Report Abuse - 78305

Re: Suitelife Vacations anyone?

Common sense would tell anyone that using an attorney for something you can do yourself is just plain stupid. Why would anyone give their hard earned money to an attorney when they can simply settle with suite life on their own and walk away free from their contract.. Everyone knows that attorneys are bottom feeders that prey o n people's misery. They manipulate the system to take money from people. Think hard before you throw your hard earned money away on a se rvice you don't need. So far I haven't heard a word about what they claim that they can do for you or how much they will charge for their service. Remember that fifty percent of all attorneys graduated in the bottom half of their class. They don't make money unless they find someone to bill for their services. They want to isolate you and get you away from the forum to get your money. Don't fall prey to another scam to get your money. You've already lost enough money and throwing good money after bad doesn't make sense. Anyone can create a website and use a drop box for their mail. The attorney scam is a new way to get more money from people who have been victimized already. Stay in the forum and don't be pulled into the scam.