Report Abuse - 74737

Re: Wyndham's new "Ovation" program offers exit solutions for their owners... interested?

No it really isn't that complex, it's simple real estate. I own a property and I want to sell it, or buy additional units/points/weeks what ever. A mechanism should be inlace for you to do that. Right now owners are trapped and forced to sell to resellers or by personal advertisements or any means they have to sell at for the most part rock bottom rates. That's one of the things that gives time share ownership a very bad name in the public. You don't like a car example, lets try a condo. You own the inside, the association owns the outside and the property. While you still own it, you still pay taxes, upkeep what ever the association charges you. The association only suffers if you fail to pay for some reason. But with a condo association you can select a real estate agent to sell it for you at a fair price, maybe up maybe down depending on the value of the property. We all knew going in (or should of known) that we would never get our full money back out, but we should get something cause we do own something of value. The condo association if smart should have or offer help for you to sell. Real life example, Lawaii Beach Resort on Kauai has a real estate person on site that works with it's owners to help them buy or sell their weeks. That's a great plus for the owners. Now their are many small timeshare operations out there that haven't spent a nickel keeping their places current. If you have used II or RCI or even RedWeek much I', sure you have seen them, they always have weeks open cause their owners never want to go there. I know of people who have purchased weeks from them in the past just to have extra weeks to bank to go to other places. These places will suffer and go out unless they work to improve themselves. The big boys need to come up with a game plan that isn't just for their wallets or people will even more say, TimeShares? I'd never own one of them, they're for fools to throw away their money. I'm one of those fools, but I love good time share resorts and will keep using mine till I can't anymore.