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Wyndham's new "Ovation" program offers exit solutions for their owners... interested?

That's the problem, it's more complex than your example. You have developers, associations(owners), sales and marketing companies(Wyndham). It's so easy for us as owners to point the finger at the big companies when they are the ones providing us with a wide range of travel options. If it were that easy timeshare companies would just recycle points and keep making a profit off of the same product. Example: To simplify this lets just say I own at an association with 100 other owners. And the cost of keeping that association is split between us evenly. And 99 of the other owners just give their property back to the association. That leaves me to foot the bill because no one left to chip in to keep place operating. Well I'm not obligated to pay it all because I own just my share of the property. So the association try's to resale the inventory but is unsuccessful. The assosiation goes under and I lose my property because we let the owners come and go as the please. So to hear Wyndham is the one company willing to spend the time and resources to figure out a win win solution for everyone is wonderful. They have always been the investors of industry and when they figure it out others will follow suit or no longer be in the industry. There will be mistakes made along the way as some say "pathways" but at least they are moving the industry in the right direction. It's just sad that people have begged and begged for solutions for decades. Now that they are listening all we do is complain more. I just hope results from there experiments don't result in a conclusion: "Owners are going to be unhappy either way and it's much easier and we spend less money on resources to just let them figure it out on their own.