Report Abuse - 73603

Re: Dream Travel Condos anyone?

Don, let's not go there again. Lorileel recommended people consult an attorney for advice. I don't think Tonya Williams or friends would be pointing people in that direction. Listen, there's only one perpetrator we should be focused on that is Tonya Williams from Dream Travel Condos. We are all in this boat because we trusted her with our money. In my opinion, for the 209 creditors to blindly trust the legal advice of online strangers would be foolish. I'm not saying we don't follow the advice. I'm saying we need to educate ourselves first. I applaud both Robink and Lorileel for their commitment to the cause and for their passion. They may not agree on how to proceed, but they've both stepped up and, in my books, they both get gold stars. I, unfortunately, was not able to recover funds lost to Tonya. I am now out of pocket an extra $1,400.00 I didn't have for accommodations in order to salvage our vacation. I will, however, continue to research my options as cheaply as possible. I will also continue to support these two women as they continue to offer support to us.