Report Abuse - 73588

Re: Dream Travel Condos anyone?

it is important to file the proper documents. Any court case must follow protocol. Letter writing and phone calling is not going to produce the desired results. I don't know Robink157 and as well intentioned she may be it won't work. My interest is because a friend of mine lost money and she asked me my thoughts. I told her. I have done state (3) and federal work for 24 years. I am not owed any money nor do I have an agenda. Robink157 says she is a paralegal and that is okay. But even paralegals "specialize" could be a family court paralegal and not qualified to formulate criminal documents. Or a bk paralegal and not be qualified for civil work. Just like doctors, etc., As to friction, I'm tough enough to handle it - my one bit of personal advice for those that lost money: don't depend on the FTC or a state attorney general to get you your money. It won't happen. Try to set aside your emotions and formulate a plan. It starts with a claim, and followed up with a motion to dismiss for fraud. Then if that doesn't work an adversary complaint,,,,,As they say in the army "the battle plan changes when the enemy is engaged".....and if you are following this thread - Robin157 does not ever say she has the complete bk file (I do) or training in this area - I do. Take care in your pursuit and thank you for the comments - very nice and professional... [Q=trixp] I really hate to see this friction. But given what has transpired, that there is some mistrust is understandable. A lot of hard working families have been hurt by this. And far too many of them are not able to recover money through PayPal or even credit card companies because they booked so far in advance. And let's face it, who to file what documents with and when and where can be a bit overwhelming. Especially to those without a legal background, those out of state, and those out of country. I think Robink157 has been very open about her interest in this matter (she's on the list of creditors) and her professional background. Lorileel, perhaps you too could let us know your interest and background. I think we all want to see justice served. Nobody wants Tonya to get away with this because the proper documents were not filed where and when required. Let's start by building some trust. If everyone's willing, let's take a breath and see if there's a way to clear the air.[/Q]