Report Abuse - 73549

Re: Dream Travel Condos anyone?

writing a letter is what is called exparte communication. It will not work. Consult an attorney. File your proof of claim. File a motion to dismiss based on fraud and file an adversary complaint. And what facebook are you talking about? [Q=lorileel] 1) nothing happens in any court without a cross complaint. 2) writing letters will not help 3) the federal trade commission will not get involved - it's not a big enough fish. 4) The AG's office will most likely not get involved and fyi that is a state agency - bankruptcy court is a federal agency. 5) no bankruptcy goes on hold without an action filed against it. 6) consult an attorney for a small consultation fee. It's worth it. [Q=robink157] You do not need to pay an attorney any fee nor do you need to file a claim. I have already spoken with the MS district attorney, the Attorney General, the federal trade commission, the US Bankruptcy Trustee, and her assigned, bankruptcy trustee. All we need to do is send in the paperwork where we communicated with Tonya Williams and the payment information as well as a letter explaining what happened and they can put the bankruptcy on hold while it is being investigated by the FTC and the AG. The bankruptcy court is not an investigative agency and therefore will not investigate any claims, they leave that up to the investigative agencies like the FTC and the AG. And FYI I am a paralegal. Join the Facebook page if you need further information.[/Q][/Q]