Report Abuse - 73499

I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

Chris... you are talking my language... i would like to share something with you, please email me mahalo! [Q=chrisv126] ...............why the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL HASN'T LAUNCHED A VIGOROUS INVESTIGATION OF THE ENTIRE TIMESHARE INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES. IT'S POCK-MARKED WITH FRAUD, SCAMS, LIES AND MANY OUTRIGHT ILLEGAL AND PUNISHABLE ACTIVITIES. THIS WIDESPREAD INDUSTRY (ALTHOUGH NOT QUITE A PONZI SCHEME) IS TANTAMOUNT TO A BERNIE MADOFF ESCAPADE, AND IT MUST BE THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED AND REGULATED...............AND THIS ACTION MUST BEGIN IMMEDIATELY BEFORE SO MANY MORE UNSUSPECTING PURCHASERS ARE SCAMMED, DEFRAUDED AND EFFECTIVELY ROBBED IN THE GUISE OF A REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION REGARDING OWNERSHIP OF A TIMESHARE. [Q=chrisv126] [Q=donr218] It you are able to help retrieve monies can you also help sellers find a honest resale co.?[/Q] whoever you are, "I WORKED AT A TIMESHARE SCAM.....i want to tell you about it" haven't told us a word about your experience (s) at said timeshare scam. tell us owners and the NYS ATTORNEY GENERAL of your timeshare scam work experience. also name the timeshare scam that your worked for, even though it might have had a name change. there's always a way to find out the former name of a company. don't leave us hanging with incomplete information. of course, you needn't divulge your real identity, simply the scam timeshare that your worked for. it's truly a puzzlement as to why the chris[/Q][/Q]