Report Abuse - 72707

Re: Conflict of interest: Wyndham/RCI?

Here's my question for any lawyer or law student. I have a Shell Vacation Club time share. When I signed my papers they belonged to RCI. ( no problem) I then bought a Summer Winds/Trading Places and they belonged to Interval International, ( again no problem) more choices. Then S.V.C. drops our membership with R.C.I. When ended me up with 2 I.I. memberships. Now Wyndham has purchased S.V.C. but we can't stay go through R.C.I. for availability. We purchased the 2nd time share because in 2010 we kept getting reasons why something wasn't available. and I have in writing that my pts. are good for at least 1 7 day stay anywhere with R.C.I. but we( SVC) are no longer " members of R.C.I. Nowhere in my contract does it state anything about dropping R.C.I. I can understand then "ALSO" being allowed to become members of I.I. but not being allow to drop your membership from the contract Since all 3 are now OWNED BY WYNDHAM. Wouldn't this be away to break contracts and not let those with a membership have a choice or as a way to keep from being SUED. I for one like my other timeshare and think they are ok as a whole just being sold wrong. It's a shame the industry has such a black eye and so many bottom feeders.