Report Abuse - 71162

Re: belaire golf resort and spa

I have thought about this BS all weekend and I still cannot believe what I read. I have told you year after year how I lost everything after this was purchased by a pair of idiots (just pointing at me now) but I literally vomit at the lies and deception that I have heard over and over. This is the end for me. I can't do this anymore. I have no more tears and I am still waiting for the apology that I will never hear. I was ready to hit the send button when you slid that "little piece of insignificant information" into a post that had nothing to do with making a little trip to PV to see a Notary and Translator. I am so done. Those scumbags will win anyway we try to spin this and NO there won't be a dime paid to Canadian and US citizens out of Mexican you know the riot that would cause. Not a dime will leave that country. Your trick has been the lowest so far! [Q=hovhannesa] Rodrigo, You lost your mind? What else you need? Original bank statements, certified by public notary? What our bank statements have anything to do with this? First this wasn't the original request. I have never received your reply that the documents received are not valid. I have never received any reply. I did send you the original receipt which was paid to belaire. What happened to passport information you were asking before? You are just another scam trying to collect victims information to go to another fraud.. .frankly... I was silent for long time just following the conversations, and I can see now clearly, nothing is legit in your messages. Mexico was mostly relying on US turism. Now you and junk like yourself, killed it. Good for US economy. We will spend our money in homeland.[/Q]