Report Abuse - 70925

Re: Buying Marriott Destinations points

The 60 day window is if you own less than 1500 points or 1000 points plus an enrolled legacy week. Or if you refuse to pay the enrollment fee which is now $500 per Beneficial Interest (250 points) with a minimum fee of $3000 and you would be limited to trust properties only and nothing deposited by legacy owners. There is a question of whether they would even transfer the points into your name without the $3000 plus fee in addition to several other fees ($300 Owner Education Fee;$95 ROFR Fee; and $25/BI Transfer Fee but that is the wording of the trust document). The presenter was just trying to scare you into buying retail. In other words he was lying. You would be looking at a minimum of about $3500 in addition to the cost of the resale points if buying 1500 points (which won't go very far unless you have legacy enrolled points to go along with them but you would have the same rights and privileges as if you bought direct.