Report Abuse - 70819

Re: Buying Marriott Destinations points

First of all, I love Lewers Street....stay at the Embassy Suites across the street often before I head out to Marriott Kolina. The conversion fee for II seems high. For those of you apparently not aware, II has actually had a point system for several years. I can trade my deeded weeks, trade my points within Marriott system, or trade my points at II for timeshares with point value, or trade my points for Marriott Explorer collection, cruises or events. I do not believe I would pay to convert for II points. From what I see, it takes more points for a trade than what my fixed deeded weeks can exchange into when evaluating value. Furthermore, the availability of exchanges has gone way down at II since companies like Marriott have converted....people are using their points and inventory at II appears to be way down. I think I can say this with some expertise because I actually log onto II every single day, and have done so for 3-4 years. Yes, I am retired.......