Report Abuse - 70658

Re: Anyone heard of Point Potential, a Wyndham timeshare ownership management company?

Wow I just read all my typos! Let me say I hate the swype keyboard! Lol! Yes that is very true, but by all means not the only way. If it were me, I would rather still be able to travel off something I have already paid for. Because if I sell it, I'll never be able to recoup but maybe 5 percent of the Purchse price and possibly not even that with sellers paying all the closing fees now and still go out of pocket for any future travels. I'd rather someone who has the knowledge and skills handle it and secure the inventory I want and eliminate or reduce my maintenance obligations to the bear minimum. But that's my perspective and everyone has one. And obviously that isn't going towork onold fixed week timeshares where they are typically Overrun in general and with assessments. Just trying to let yall know there are companies like this that do exist to help. I could talk for hours about the actual science of this and the things companies do to their owners, that I would have no knowledge of if I didn't have an inside perspective or seen it first hand. But I'm not going to touch that with a ten foot pole on here. I hope your experience is positive and if you have a question I can help you with I'd be happy to offer my advice