Report Abuse - 70046

Re: raintree vacation club Conversion to Raintree 7 ?????

Have you anything further from their "collection agency" [Q=raintrees] Upon receiving the first assessment in 2009, I just quit paying the Annual fee. Had 2 collection letters and immediately responded to them stating that I will not pay, and haven't heard from them for over 8 months. No phone calls either and no hit to my Credit Report. Either my "Refusal to Pay" letters were pretty convincing - or the collection agency was only hoping that it could use fear tactics to scare a small percentage of Raintree owners into paying back accumulated Annual Fees. I had my purchase paid in full, was able to use it a total of 5 times, so I just wrote it off as a loss and let them pound sand. Anyone who actually believes that this company is anything more than a scam probably also still believes they will be able to keep their doctor under Obamacare! Just accept the loss, don't make more annual fee payments, but DO respond to any Collection Letters since a non-response will taken as an acknowledgement that you owe the money.[/Q]