Report Abuse - 69417

Point Rent Liquidators &/or EPS SCAM - Robert Guy Russell & Brandon "B.J." Cooke

R&R Venture, R&R Venture group has now gone under the name of Cornerstone and are still operating using the same marketing company out of the Atlanta GA area run by Mr. William "Bill"Redford who at one time was partners with Robert "Guy" and Nonna Russell. Seems they are still scamming people, still running their teams all,over the USA. An update: seems there are numerous Lawenforcement agencies including the F.B.I. Looking into their activities and are close to issuing arrest warrants for the Russell's, B.J. Cooke and some of their team managers who are the real criminals. One thing that has brought this about is the customers calling their credit card fraud divisions and having the CC company get involved by refunding their purchase. It is rumored the FBI Las Vegas division has received over 1,000 complaints on the Russell's which everyone knows will trigger an alert of fraud major scale to the bureau. Another member of the scam is Mr. Todd Miller from Texas seems he runs a team who was recently in California and has a Detective Cole at the Palo Alto Police Department Fraud Division 650-329-2559 breathing down his neck and the Russell's. Anyone in California who were scammed might call (1) their credit card company fraud department, (2) the FBI in Las Vegas and (3) detective Cole in Palo Alto Police, California. Something needs to be done to stop this fraud for sure seems when the heat gets to heavy the Russell's just change the name of the company open up under a new name. Remember there is no rental program that pays you 6.5-7 cents per point based on 180,000 to 200,000 points more then most paid for their timeshare it's unrealistic. If you read their contract, it says you will get your FAIR SHARE OF THE POOL which could be $1.00. SUGGESTION, WHEN CONTACTED BY ANY COMPANY WITH THIS PRODUCT QUESTION IT MOTIVE AND ASK TO SEE PAST RECORDS OF WHOM THEY PAID MONEY TO...PROTECT YOURSELF. IF YOU WERE SCAMMED BY THE RUSSEL's CALL THE THREE SUGGESTIONS ABOVE. "IF ITS TO. GOOD TO BE TRUE IT USUALLY IS" [Q=boobier] *** Warning *** Warning *** Warning *** EPS Story to watch.. This is the company the Robert Guy Russell, Nonna Russell & Brandon B.J. Cooke own. Check out the link below.[/Q]