Report Abuse - 68943

Re: I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

[Q=fibon] @lancec13 : could you please recommend any company / or person who will accept donation of the Manhattan Club Unit? The Manhattan Club fess $2000-2500. Thank you[/Q] Have you tried asking the MC if it will take the unit back? Try explaining your situation. Also, try listing it for sale or, more feasibly, for giveaway. Offer to pay closing costs and the next maintenance fee for whoever takes it. Timeshare Users Group (aka "TUG"; has a Bargain Deals section where you can advertise that you want to give your timeshare away to a willing taker. RedWeek also has a Bargain Basement section. Just be careful about some companies who offer to take it for "little" money (say, under $1200) because they are likely running what's commonly called in timeshare circles a "Viking Ship" operation which is fraught with dangers and legal implications.