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Re: Diamond Resorts International (DRI) "THE CLUB" Points Program & Converting your Week to Points

[Q=kathleend251] Michael, How did you get through the process? We too, were also scammed with the promise of a resort soon to be built on the Big Island(2008), which for us would've alleviated the need for air fare and a car rental. Very high pressured and the paper shuffle scam is correct. What effect did this have on your credit score, as our is in the high 800's? I, also noticed that our points are not what they should be for the up coming year 2014 and 2015! Thank you for any help that you might have....we want out! Kathy D [Q=michaeld414] [Q=lisan250] Hello, We made the mistake many years ago to allow them (DRI at Kaanapali Beach Club) to talk us into buying more, now over 30,000 points. But with the Water Intrusion Problem (at a resort we've never even been to) we are now being billed $6114 for this year alone!!! That doesn't count the last 2 years that we already paid over $5000 each year. We want to get out! How did you do that? When we talked to someone at DRI before, they said it's up to them whether they "want" to take the points back! But it's our Credit Score that gets ruined if we just stop paying the exorbitant Maintenance Fees! Thanks for suggestions...if you've been successful. Lisa N [Q=michaeld414] You have 7 days to cancel and would suggest you do cancel... We walked away after paying 55,000 $$ in cash, I thought about cancelling and called them with my reasons and wanted assurances in several area's, they lied, outright lied about the issues I questioned... Then 18 months later they made public that what I had asked about was true... The water intrusion problem and a charge of 60 Million $$ to the membership... Plus the maintenance fees went from 100 $ per vacation day to over 300 $....[/Q][/Q] If your points are paid for, and you have no outstanding debt but maintenance fee's for unused points, you can surrender your points and walk away.... $ 6,100 is almost $ 400 per day of a maintenance fee, and it will never go down... I am glad we walk away, yes leaving a $ 55,000 chunk of cash with DRI was not what I wanted to do, but to pay them for what I believe is Fraud for years to come bothered me more...[/Q][/Q] Kathy D.... We are Island Neighbors as I have a place on the big island near Hakalau... send me a note via email at