Report Abuse - 67342

Re: Maintenance Fees

kathleen 204, i am certain that at least one of the many current MANHATTAN CLUB owners is an attorney; however, not one of them has offered to be of assistance in our ongoing battle with MANAGEMENT. come on esquires: show yourself and offer some expert help in our plight with THE MANHATTAN CLUB: exorbitant (and rising) maintenance fees, lack of availability for desirable reservations, overselling shares exacerbating the difficulty in making reservations. kathleen, your idea getting a fax letter flooding the NYS ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE is super. next task is to get your idea in motion. some of us have individually written to the NYS ATTORNEY GENERAL (me included) and there was very little done. if we ALL (OR AT LEAST MOST OF US) get letters to THE AG'S OFFICE en masse, perhaps he'll sit up and take notice and do more than tell THE MANHATTAN CLUB MANAGEMENT to "be more transparent" in their fantasy sales pitches. kathleen, let's get your idea in motion NOW, or at least shortly after the holidays. maybe we'll all get some holiday goodies in the form of reduced/partially- refunded maintenance fee, easier reservation policies, and the ceasing of overselling MANHATTAN CLUB SHARES.