Report Abuse - 64626

Wyndham / RCI

[Q=jackiep123] Wyndham DOES NOT own RCI. It is a lie that their sales reps often tell. Wyndham and RCI are owned by Cendant Corp that owns MANY corporations. [/Q] Sorry, but you are entirely mistaken. Wyndham does indeed own RCI --- lock, stock & barrel and 100%. As a relevant aside, RCI separately bought out a few other travel related entiries (specifically, Leisure Link and Snap Travel) a few years ago now. Wyndham sales people are notoriously aggressive and deceitful liars, but any of them who mention this particular irrefutable fact that Wyndham owns RCI are actually speaking the truth (...maybe the ONLY truth to come out of their mouths, but the truth nonetheless). It has been many years since Cendant was in this picture AT ALL. Clearly, there have been corporate changes in the past decade of which you are apparently (and understandably) completely unaware. That said, although Wyndham owns RCI outright, there is certainly no obvious or apparent "collusion" between the two. In fact, it sometimes seems as though there is little working connection or relationship between them. Wyndham also has its' own internal "points" system, one which is completely and entirely unrelated in ANY way to the "currency" of RCI's "points" system. Oddly, some Wyndham facilities are even also affiliated with RCI's competitor Interval International! I'm not in any way defending Wyndham or RCI (...personally, I have no use whatsoever for either one of them) but the indisputable fact still remains that Wyndham does indeed own 100% of RCI.