Report Abuse - 63978

Re: Conflict of interest: Wyndham/RCI?

All of this sounds exactly like what my husband and I experienced last week when we stayed at Wyndham's Kingsgate resort. We have been with RCI since 1995, and we are very happy with our "home" resort (Summer Bay in Clermont, FL). We have never had a problem with exchanges through RCI. I asked at the desk about discounted tickets to Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg, knowing full well that we'd have to suffer through another 'presentation', but the gal at the desk said it would only take an hour, and it was only to help us 'understand how to use our points more effectively'. I really should have known better. It was the same song and dance, with a twist: if we threw in with Wyndham, we'd have access to all the fabulous Wyndham properties. Otherwise we'll be stuck with no guarantees when it came to exchanges in crappy little RCI. An offer we couldn't refuse!! When the sales guy started tossing numbers out, my husband (who can run numbers in his head better than anyone I know) started catching the guys mistakes/bullshit. I've never seen such double-talk! When it was clear we weren't biting, they send over a stilletto-heeled bleached blonde to make sure we understood what we were turning up. When we mentioned that we had just purchased a piece of construction equipment (and the corresponding monthly payment), and that we were not in a position to take on any more, she looked at us with incredulity and said "Is a piece of equipment really more important than your FAMILY?!?" I wanted to reach across the table and smack her. I simply said, "you know what? you don't know a damn thing about it." That cemented it for me. I will never request discounted tickets, and I refuse to attend any more of these "helpful informational meetings".