Report Abuse - 63773

Re: Groupwise inc, anyone here heard of them ?

I called my home resorts and made sure I was talking to someone that handles these transactions. I explained that I had circumstances in my life that made it neccessary for me to get rid of my timeshares. I explained nicely that I was going to get rid of them with or without their assistance. If they cooperated I would agree to pay the next years expenses to give them time to find a new owner. I was current in all my fees and assessments. They both agreed and all they asked was that I pay the next years taxes and fees associated with the deedback. It took only about a month to process and I am free of both timeshares. It took a few phone calls to get in touch with the right party but it went very smoothly and there was no worry about paying thousands of dollars to an unknown company then worrying that they took my money and ran. I would advise you to make some phone calls and stay vigilant. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.