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Marriott Destination Club Points transfer process and required fees

Hi All, Thanks for everyones response and I got the scoop. I called customer care and working with a great person there. Basically the "new rule" is unless you have 1500 points they limit you to 60 days or prior to any Marriott trust property. Since I did not buy a week with the points they are saying this is the rule The issue at hand is when my seller bought in 2010 there was no rule like this and the 1500 pt rule was implemented after the fact. The worst part is Marriott did not inform those owners who owned less than 1500 points of this rule when the rule changed so therefor nobody knows this quirky ridiculous rule. The seller did not know, the title company did not know, and Marriott did not inform anyone prior to settlement but gladly took their $2300. Marriott had a due diligence to inform the closing company upon rofr they were going to limit me. To be honest not many people buy under 1500 points as I was just looking to add to my total, an so I am sure it does not affect many people but I fell into the small group and found out after the fact. Marriott will also not combine the total as they have seperate accounts for both aka legacy points and new points. Which leads us back to the issue of consumer rights and protection and non disclosure and not telling anyone about this rule other than new people wanting to buy points. So I hope my advocate at Marriott gets the job done and being an owner of 1 week and over 3000 points per year will have some factor and if not I will figure something out. Bottom line is these are legacy points and should be treated that way end of story. Anyone have any thoughts???