Report Abuse - 61009

Groupwise inc, anyone here heard of them ?

[Q=royvb] Our timeshare is in Bermuda, where property cannot be sold to non citizens. Accordingly the scheme is a long term lease, not deeded title. Conditions at the Club, escalating annual assessments ( that now exceed $2,500 a year for a two bedroom cottage) accompanied by a looming huge special assessment necessitated by the Club's having operated a $3 million deficit(even with fees at that level!) all made getting out from under the looming obligations a good idea. I paid Groupwise now, so I would NOT have to pay a 14 year remaining obligation of nearly four times what it is today to Club owners who don't know how torun available scheme. Not pretty, but a fairly simple decision money wise. There is no resale market. Look at the St George Club listings on Redwerk if you doubt that.[/Q] One more time (you're beginning to sound like a shill for this company) ..... copy and paste the url below (to copy and paste first you blue highlight the url with left side mouse, then click the right side mouse, then click copy, then paste with your left side mouse. If this isn't proof, then I don't know what is: +inc+scam&gs_l=serp.3..0i30i19.20652.30840.1.32018. .0.les%3B..0.0...1c.oaInxGERAJc&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e5b62c1737d9 666f&biw=1440&bih=787