Report Abuse - 61008

Groupwise inc, anyone here heard of them ?

[Q=victorial82] Do I understand you correctly that you had to pay them fees to take the timeshare off your hands? Didn't you get any of your original purchase price back? I would rather keep my timeshare than to pay to give it away. I think checking at your timeshare location would be a better bet. We have checked as ours have a resale realty company on premises that would try to sell it for you. It's just that at the time we checked (couple of years ago), values were really down and they guessed we would only get about 1/3 our original purchase price so we decided to hang onto it.[/q] If you're waiting to get your original developer purchase price on the resale market .... that will never happen, so the best you can do is permit the realty company to sell it for what they can get or you keep it and use, exchange or rent it. In my opinion, developer bought timeshares will never regain the popularity that they were prior to 2007, but the resale market will regain some strength as it's a viable option that people do not have to pay the developer cost but at a much reduced cost or even free (in some instances). By buying free timeshares all you have to pay are yearly maintenance fees with no initial investment. Some people paid $20,000+ as an initial investment PLUS the yearly maintenance fees. If we were still into traveling we would definitely research the free or low cost resale market, but we no longer travel.