Report Abuse - 58874

Re: Instead of kids paying to unload TS, can parents "will" it to Obama?

[Q=davek194] jayjay - the letter was written trying to avoid having to give "loan estimates" and "closing disclosure" forms when providing funds to purchase a timeshare. As you're aware our "friendly" TS salesmen will try anything to get you to sign and really don't care whether or not you can afford the unit. The letter was written 6th November 2012 (and another one in September 2012). I'm just an advocate of understanding all your options and also understanding the "dark" side of the industry and the tricks that they'll use to part you from your $$. There is a lot of other information in the letters. You might want to read them. BTW: On the website they also have a TS resales tab with some interesting information[/Q] Repeating my message in this thread: I appreciate your interest in informing the consumer of options in getting out from under a timeshare mortgage or yearly maintenance fees, but you tend to state unequivocally that ARDA states that all one has to do is stop making payments and no repercussions will occur to their credit. Again, I don't even understand why ARDA (American Resort Developer Association) would make that statement in the first place .... they have no idea what ALL developers or HOAs would do in case of defaults. If ARDA is so concerned about the lies timeshare salespeople tell to make a sale, then it's up to them to clean up the industry and to clean up developer sales presentations ..... they need to set up strict guidelines and if a developer salesperson is caught lying then that resort should be banned from ARDA .... actually, I've always thought all developer timeshare presentations should be tape recorded. That's the only way the industry will become clean in the future in that now it's just the 'he said' .... 'she said' (verbally) syndrome .... when it's all said and done it's only the written legal contract that is binding in a court of law. ARDA must be in the forefront by cleaning up the industry.