Report Abuse - 58579

Re: Interval international non-rental claus

[Q=alldolledup] Since you indicate the prior poster is slime and I am the prior poster, I assume you are implying I am renting weeks I get thru RCI or II. Absolutely not true!! I own my weeks. I rty to rent my own weeks and for the good ones I would rahter get just my maintenance fee than put them in RCI or II for you people who bought junk for little money and then want the more expensive weeks to use. Personally Rond I not only think you are Slime yourself but more of an opinionated jerk!! Don'r rent from me. I don't want your business.[/Q] I still haven't seen where anyone called anyone else slime, however even if rond called someone slime .... it wasn't you. He was referring to (if he did so) .... those that snag the very best exchanges then rent them out for a profit .... you're not in that category. However, it's become known to the two big exchange companies that some people will try to do this .... that's why they monitor timeshare rental sites and Ebay and have begun to catch those that abuse their exchange systems. I remember in the old days, before the two big exchange companies cracked down on rental of exchanges, that you would see exchanges for rent or for sell all the time on Ebay. It would seem that since you own a week that you could do anything you want with that week (and you can), but you cannot deposit an owned and exchanged week then rent it out or sell it.