Report Abuse - 58574

Re: Interval international non-rental claus

Jayjay - I just responded to you and now read through the most recent posts and see that alldolledup is now also calling me "slime" plus a "jerk." As a professional and college professor of communication, I think I will be looking for blogs that don't entertain this level of communication. I came on this blog to find out what others are thinking because I didn't know about this rule. While I very much appreciate your approach to your posts jayjay, I think others (rond and alldolledup, for example) can ruin a blog very quickly when this type of name calling becomes acceptable. My best to you jayjay - by the way, I would be happy to rent from you and to you and to and from anyone else who treats these blogs as a way to help people, as you have stated. Have a great day everyone - even those of you who call me slime and a jerk because I innocently posted one timeshare week for rent because of my mother's health. [Q=jayjay] [Q=kathyw84] I beg to differ with many of you!!!! I am not "slime", and have not done this with a ton of weeks or even "12" weeks year after year. I just read all of these posts and am shocked at how quickly some of you judge others in such a negative manner. I just posted a rental a few weeks ago for an "off week" at the Marriott at Myrtle Beach which we had traded our prime Hawaii property for just because my husband and I wanted to go to the Myrtle Beach property. However, my mom's health is not real good and we have since decided we better try and rent it because we aren't sure whether or not we should leave her. Because we tried to rent this on II ONE time (first time, not slime, and not repeat offenders to all of you judgmental people!) and we weren't aware of all of the rules since we joined II in 1994 and have not read the rules very often, we now received an email from II telling us that we had to remove our rental posting. (We did so immediately.) While I don't agree AT ALL with II's rule and may even be looking for another exchange company even though we have been members for 18 years, I also have learned what SOME of my fellow Red Week owners are really like (such as Rond) AND I surely hope that I never rent or purchase from those of you who posted such negative judements about people you don't even know! (We have been members for many years and have rented out our own properties to RedWeek members and have rented properties from other members but haven't read these blogs until now, so am just learning what some people are like.) Saddened by what I have read from some of you....hope you are ready for people to call you slime when you don't deserve it![/Q] kathy, you clearly didn't know II Rules and Regulations concerning rentals of exchanges ..... that's why we post them here .... II caught your ad to rent your exchange and demanded that you take it down .... you were lucky since there have been II member accounts banned for such rental ads. And dond clearly posted above that it was the people that made this a commercial enterprise that was what he was referring to .... he was not referring to you (since you didn't know, however II caught it). Don't blame the messenger .... there are THOSE that do take advantage (if they can get away with it) to rent exchanges. BTW, I guess i missed the word "slime" in anyone's post.[/Q]