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Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

[Q=ellen456] This is all very interesting. We own 3 Marriott weeks and have attended 2 'points' presentations at Palm Desert. Last year they told us it would cost us $40,000 ... two weeks ago they told us $14,000! Doesn't sound like the points program is going so well. It makes no sense to us to 'buy points'. What guarantee do we have that 5 or 10 years from now it won't cost more points for one week at a destination than it costs for a week in points this year? With Marriott determining 'points value' they could easily raise points usage at their resorts thereby reducing the time our points would 'buy' in the future. At least with deeded weeks you can exchange for another full week.[/Q] Ellen, I don't know how your presentation went from $40,000 to $14,000 unless you were being offered different amounts of points. Marriott has not made any changes that huge in their prices. I am not sure what properties you own, but if you own three weeks there are definitely some advantages the points system would afford you especially if you lock off your units and/or stay at other Marriotts, trade for Marriott Rewards points and use II You could save money. In addition, I have belonged to two point systems and they cannot raise the points needed to stay a week unless they change the structure of the room so that it's not the same and even then they have to provide an equivalent. I have never experienced a change in points per room in the 15 years I have been in timesharing. I would suggest you go to Timeshare Users Group (TUG) at there a many, many Marriott owners that discuss their experiences and knowledge of Marriott timeshares. You gain great greater knowledge about the point system. In fact, they know more than the salespeople who are just trying to make a buck. You will more than likely learn you should have joined especially when it was cheaper to enroll back in June. You can still enroll now, but it costs more. It may be to your advantage to join and not even ever choose to use points, but because of the other cost savings you may decide that it might be wise to join Marriott's Destination Club. Make sure you get good information before making a final decision.