Report Abuse - 55617

Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

Here's my analysis so far (and it is still evolving based on what I read). 1. There is a slight loss (about 5%) if you simply deposit the weeks for point and then try to buy get the same unit back by using the points. However, there are few benefits that might offset the loss. With points, you have an option of picking the days you want to get the week. Earlier you were locked in for a week that started on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. However, if you are willing to travel any day (say from Tuesday to tuesday), you may well recover the 5% loss in cheaper airfare. Another significant advantage is if you modify your travel plan around using points for Friday and Saturday. Sunday through Thursday are much cheaper than Friday and Saturday. In our case, we might travel from Sunday to Thursday of week after (12 days), but plan a 2 day excursions on Friday and Saturday away from the resort. 2. The big unknown is what would be available through Interval International, once large number of owners switch to point system. If there is no supply of Marriott into II, it doesn't make sense to not get into point system (unless you excahnge marriott for non-Marriott units). 3. With point system, you have upto 2 years to use up your units. You have up to 3+ years right (2 years in II and 1 year with Marriott). So, if you dont travel regularly, point system is worse. 4. Given that you pay a annual fee only once (of $156?) with point system, you will same some money over depositing week in II (where you pay II membership fees + lock out fee + fee everytime you exchange etc). Would love to hear pros/cons from others.