Report Abuse - 51795

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuite

Alec, We completed a survey and submitted it to the law firm noted. Again this year could not use all our nights before the cut off date December 6, 2011 I've been calling since February 2011. Almost weekly the last few months and could not get a room. Three nights remain for this year. I have been harrassed by Owners Services each time during the stay for an "Owner's update". We can earn $50 food Park Cental Hotel restaurant) credit to spend fifteen minutes discussing updates.hotel restaurant. I declined the first time when called about five minutes after arriving in the room. The second time, I went to the "Owner's Update" to see what their "update" was all about and how they desparately needed to share with important new information with current "Owners". They wanted me to buy back three-four nights! Starting at Two thousand dollars! I was so angry I said to the salesman, "how about you buy back the three or four nights from us? Or the timeshare because it's not worked out the way it was presented when we got the sales pitch to buy it". Of course my offer was declined. The gentlemen quickly put his pencil down and started to walked me toward the elevator. That's where i met a group of gentlemen who were also leaving an "Owner update" meeting they were complaining about ownership and Mr. Eichner and his NY Urban Management team!! They (Eicher's management group) will find anyway possible to benefit for their gain by any means possible. How can these people sleep at night..... Any word on the Class Action suit? Do you know how many owners are included now? Can we place an advertisement in the Crain's or NY times notifying owners to support the suit?