Report Abuse - 51764

Diamond Resorts raises maintenance fees again!

Bob, It is my belief that the time share industry, one of the most egregious being DRI, is milking time share owners using maintenance fees to do it. I don't know whether it was precalculated or stumbled upon, but it appears that the way time share bylaws are drawn up, the managing company always gets its way. You, or some sucker who purchases your time share will pay what they demand in maintenance fees or they set the collection agency on you. I believe this to be nothing more than legalized EXTORTION! I bought a lock out (2 attached sleeps 6 units) at Powhatan Plantation Resorts in 1992 when it was opening and never switched to points. I still have a deeded week. Since then, it was bought out by Sunterra, and then by Diamond Resorts. My maintenance fees have risen an average of 7.5% per yr whereas the average cost of living has only gone up an aveage of 2.5% over that same period. I've been able to reconstruct most of my time share maintenance/refurbishment history for the resort. Year Amt 1992 328 1993 345 1995 345 1996 345 1997 385 1998 ? 1999 406.25 2000 409.25 2001 ? 2002 539.85 2003 614.85 2004 ? 2005 842 2006 608 2007 838.25 2008 930 2009 1161.64 2010 1215.08 2011 1215 2012 1233 In the latest budget, nearly 20% of my maintenance cost and a total for the resort of over $3M went to "Resort Management". I am currently taking them to task to break down these costs for me in order to identify what percentage is being pulled away as profits. I am trying to gather more facts and figures before presenting it to the Virginia Attorney General and my Congressmen. I also want to get a copy of the covenants, bylaws, and any other governing documents. Are you on the point system or have a deeded week? How many points do you have or is it deeded. If deeded what is its point equivalency? Can you provide me a history of what you paid for it and a history of your maintenance/ refurbishment costs? Besides taking political/Attorney General action, I also want to use this data to expose DRI on the Web with as much concrete information as I can collect as well as use it to sit outside their Williamsburg sales office and alert potential customers of their pending costs as well as the great discounts they can get by buying in the secondary market. DRI really angered a sleeping giant when in April, when I called, they told me they would take back the property and that I had until November to execute the Quite Deed to make it happen. When I called in September, they told me they stopped taking back property in July. Had I known there was the faintest chance that could happen, I would have executed the Quit Deed in April. Have a wonderful Christmas season, my friend. Bill