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Re: May E-mail Newsletter Q&A: Second Market Timeshare Owners

[Q=tsauthor] I agree that treating owners who purchased on the secondary market differently, i.e. worse is not good for anyone. So far, it is the ONLY way that developers can show some sort of "value proposition" for timeshares purchased directly from them. [/Q] If there was actually value you wouldn't need high pressure sales and expensive premiums. A jar of mayonnaise requires no such spiffs. It's worth $3.99 all by itself. Desperate people sell their timeshares on the secondary market for 90% less than they paid the developer every day. The developers should try hard to prevent that by keeping those ownerships valuable. That is essential to the developer's own sales efforts, isn't it? How would you like to be selling something for $25,000 that you can buy secondhand for $3,000? Heck, Lisa, you *have* sold that. Not too successfully, I think you said. It's in everyone's best interest keeping things valuable. If you make them worthless later on who will buy them from you?