Report Abuse - 51414

Re: Bad Experience with RCI ---NOT ME !!!

I agree with you. Terrible experience with RCI. Every single time we want to book a week - NO AVAILABILITY!!! I am trying to get rid of this entire timeshare deal for my mother. She wanted me to use her "banked" RCI weeks, but now they want another $258 since my mom is not actually using, but again no rooms and I checked for five, six even seven months from now at numerous resorts in numerous areas. Then they tell my mother that her weeks will expire and they want even more money from her to keep them active. This on top of the fact that someone roped my parents into purchasing additional points . . . at the age of 81 and 84!!! What in the world. My parents were basically bullied into this and at one point when they tried to leave were told they couldn't!!! They got them in with the "free dinner" and discuss new exciting usage of your timeshare. Why in the world do elderly people need 702,000/year!!!!!????? My father passed away a few years later and now my mother is paying and paying. They have over $100,000 plus monthly fees into this!!! How can any of this be legal? Who let's elderly people sign a contract like that without some representation. I looked at the contract and it doesn't even look like my father's signature!!!