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can a landlord be held responsible for well water in va

Hi, These forums are for questions about timeshares. You might have better luck posting your question on other forums that have to do with renters/landlord issues. Thanks, Marty [Q=doviea] I rent a home with me and my family for almost a year. We constantly were telling the landlord the water smelled bad, She said the water was fine, "Best water I'd ever drink". We started noticing the water went from a mineral smell to a foul egg like smell and then finally to a rotten decaying smell , we also started noticing that one by one the members of the family were having diahreria and stomach cramping. Called the landlord again to tell her of this development, still the landlord said there was nothing wrong with the water. One morning I ran some water in a glass and let it sit overnight, the next morning the water was a pee color. I went to the internet and looked up some advice on what could possibly be in water to make it smell as bad as this water did. I found in my searching E=coli in your well could cause these symptoms, I also saw it can cause a bloody stool and loose stools and cramping of the stomach. The next thing we as a family developed was the bloody stool. This event worried me so I went a water testing facility and got the test to have my water tested, returned home followed the instructions to the test kit and placed my water sample in the provided container, sealed the container, placed it in the bag that was provided and returned it to the testing facility. Twenty four hours later I recieved a letter in the mail from the facility stating that the water had E-coli in it and the EPA said it was unfit for consumption. At this point they told us not to brush our teeth or consume this water. Informed the landlord about this issue , still no results. Is she still allowed to make me pay the rent or to maintain the lease? Can she be held accountable for our sickness? What can I do?[/Q]