Report Abuse - 51021

Re: Diamond Resorts reduces owner benefits again!

Hi michaeld414, What you have written - this is the heart of the scam with DRI. Here's another scam that has recently been exposed in this video with confessions from the scammer: Parallels: 1)Preying on those who have the funds, and 2)looking for a point of leverage - for us, it wasn't greed, it was the love of our families and time together with them "insured" for years to come with this upfront point system. Finally, 3)the actual commodity isn't there....(for you) Perhaps this hasn't happened to you yet, but as I've shared in earlier posts, I've printed out statements from the online inquiry system that show the units in our "home" of Sedona as unavailable to us for a period with our points, but available to non-members. And, this unavailability extends for months and months for us (while still available to them). This means, I don't get what I paid for. It is used to lure others who believe that the law will stop scammers. The law stops such scamming, I assume, in order that business dealings will have a level of trust/lawfulness/truthfulness which is needed if any economy can stand. Also, when I once tried to get a unit in another location, as a member, and then as a non-member, I was to pay about $500 for a few nights (using my maintenance fee cost spread) as a member. Yet when I experimented on the non-member rate, I found I would pay only $99 for the few nights. And, they would give me a $100 Visa card if I went to one of their presentations as a non-member. They only want to lure more families into lies - that they know they won't keep, obtaining additional funds which will pay for more to be lured and hurt. And this is why I want a class-action suit with YouTube and lots of Facebook information for all the world to see. When you type Diamond Resorts, the first page will hopefully contain a title "Beware of DRI, Timeshare Scam!"