Report Abuse - 50967

Point Potential...

Just so we're all clear: Ken, you don't own at Wyndham and you suddenly out of nowhere now "couldn't care less what Point Potential does or doesn't do" right? Yet you make comment after nauseating comment that "FOR A FACT" Point Potential is a "SCAM," and "DOES NOT EXIST," etc., etc.??? So...what exactly is your problem or your mission here? I mean, why do you care, how is any of this relevant to you, and WHY -- for heaven's sake -- do you repeatedly speak like an expert and then later contradict yourself, saying you "don't claim to know everything?" It looks to me like you're possibly clueless. You don't appear to know anything at all about this company, what it does, or it's relationship/agreement or lack of one to Wyndham or for that matter Wyndham's policies. You just spout opinion like its fact; something isn't right with you. You're working way too hard to slander this agency when in fact, there aren't that many complaints about them to be found online or anywhere else; considering Wyndham has about 900,000 owners and evidence suggests this firm has been in business close to three years, your position hardly seems logical. Plus, you've made a couple of patently false statements already, at the start of this thread...