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Point Potential advertising, masquerading as forum discussion...

No requirement to buy points? Since when, yesterday? This is a lie. In addition to my own experience, I have spoken with a number of other Wyndham owners that had also attended the Point Potential presentation. They too had a similar experience of having to buy points to do rental. No matter how many points they had, they had to buy more. I have their contact information and they can substantiate what I’m asserting here. Why did we have to endure their two-hour presentation anyway? If Point Potential is genuinely interested in doing rental for people, then let your potential customer’s tell you how many points they want to rent out and tell them how to go about converting them into rental income. Simple-enough. Instead, Point Potential puts you through a two-hour pitch on how wonderful it is to spend points on things like air-line tickets and cruises. The presentation is geared to sell points. Going into the presentation we were looking for a way to convert 225,000 points we weren’t going to be using into rental income. Instead, after their presentation we were told we needed to buy 400,000+ new points to get into the rental program. Wyndham owners are adults and can add and subtract. They don’t need you to tell them how many points they need for vacationing and car rentals and then how many they need to buy in order to do rental. The fact the company has computers, offices and people working for them, means nothing. Bernie Madoff had computers, offices and people working for him too. He was able to operate his scam for almost a decade undetected without any complaints. Virtually, all the people working in this scam believed they were doing a good thing for their clients. For the record, I am not a disgruntled employee, but a very disappointed potential customer. And there are others, they may not be as vocal, since they have not lost any money by doing the smart thing and saying no to this. People can evaluate the Point Potential rental program for themselves and make up their own minds. I’m sharing my experiences and observations.