Report Abuse - 49631

Take (or leave) my input as you may see fit...

[Q=dougw113] ... So Ken u give away your Wyndham points... so why do u still think that u know everything or even care? [/Q] I gave away a fixed winter week at a Wyndham resort in FL just a very few months ago, having used it for a number of years. It was an ownership which the previous owner had also previously converted to Wyndham points, thereby becoming able to use either the underlying deeded fixed week OR the associated 182k points. I used it BOTH ways during the course of my ownership. After some years, I no longer wanted to keep that particular ownership (one for which I had paid almost nothing in the first place in the resale market). I certainly DON'T claim to know everything; I never have and I never would. I do have some years of direct personal experience with Wyndham ownership and use, however. "Why do I even care?" you ask. I don't, quite frankly, except to say that I really hate to see uninformed people throw away hard earned money to ANY of the (...entirely too many) third party entities circling around the periphery of the timeshare industry like hungry jackals, particularly when those owners could manage their ownerships much more effectively WITHOUT paying ANY money to ANY such third party parasites. In your case, since you previously asked (in an earlier post on 8/19) about the likelihood of getting a refund, I assume that you may have ALREADY paid out some money. If so, then it's apparently a bit too late to help YOU. Others, however, MIGHT just benefit from the objective input of a person who is NOT actually seeking to take their money. Readers here can always choose to just ignore any and all posted input, whether it's my input or that of any and all others. People, it's your choice and your decision. Do whatever you want, but please don't come back here later claiming "I'm a victim" if and when you ultimately discover that the only actual net results of substance you have experienced is less money in your pocket or checkbook. Remember: THERE ARE NO VICTIMS, ONLY VOLUNTEERS!