Report Abuse - 49617

Unconvincing Point Potential advertising, masquerading as forum discussion...

[Q=ken1193] [Q=johne499] We have clients who have not purchased any points from us. There is no requirement to buy points. [/Q] Just for the record, the assertion of a requirement to purchase points was NOT mine. It was actually made by a poster above (...someone I do not know) who reported having PERSONALLY ATTENDED a Point Potential presentation. You can be as defensive and as hostile as you wish; I couldn't care less and I certainly won't stoop to your level. You clearly have a direct, personal financial interest in advertising (for free) your commercial operation here, as well as painting it in the most favorable light possible. I understand and accept that, but I'm still not buying into any of your self-serving "razzamatazz". My own advice to Wyndham Points owners is to either "credit pool" their points to use them later (something which must be done BEFORE the "use year" even begins) or instead use the Points to reserve a good week and then rent out that week, with NO need to involve (OR to pay) any third party. As stated already, intelligent people will read and decide on their own whether they need to (...or want to) pay their hard earned money to an obscure third party entity to best utilize that which they already own. That's THEIR choice and THEIR decision.[/Q]