Report Abuse - 49612

Re: Anyone heard of Point Potential, a Wyndham timeshare ownership management company?

So Ken...again, your facts are wrong. We have clients who have not purchased any points from us. There is no requirement to buy points. However, we would like for our clients to have enough points to do rental while continuing to vacation the same way they have been. If they use all of their points every year, then how could we use points that they are using for rental? If they don't use their points every year, rarely do they have enough points left over to convert to rental to cover the maintenance fees. They may or may not need more points, . They could pay approximately 200 per thousand from the big guys or they could pay about 90% less through us. The choice is theirs. Again, you are the one misleading people. Why don't you direct people to the location where you found this "prospective customer" and this supposed quote from him. Be fair, be factual, and try not to mislead. I understand you would like to "win" this conversation but it is not going to happen. Do you find it at all surprising that the only negative thing about us was written by a former disgruntled employee and now you? If we were taking advantage of people and not doing what we say we do, one would think there would be much more bad press. Maybe you could enlighten us. Also, if you take a look around in all of the timeshare forums, you will see where I have answered many questions and helped many people out without a mention of the company I work for. Does that tell you something? Ever thought of truly being fair or is your ego to fragile to let you rethink your position? Maybe you just enjoy conflict and being abusive?