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[Q=emmac27] Google “timeshare resales” and you’ll find that currently most timeshare resales are being offered for as little $1, some for $100, and a few optimistic timeshare owners are asking for more. Some timeshare owners have even had to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to get someone to take ownership of their timeshare! .....Moral of this story? BUYER BEWARE!!!! [/Q] I certainly wouldn't dispute much of what is stated above, except to note that I would say "many" instead of "most" in regard to timeshares. Why? In point of fact, many timeshares have solidly and consistently held their value, even in the face of (only modestly) increased maintenance fees (e.g., Disney Vacation Club, any and all "Snowbird" weeks in coastal SW Florida, anything and everything in the Florida Keys, all summer weeks in coastal New England, and numerous other examples of "prime" timeshare weeks whose "demand" still seems to consistently exceed the available "supply"). For "many" other weeks (e.g., in Orlando, Branson, Las Vegas, anything anywhere associated with Westgate or Celebrity / Legacy) the maintenance fee costs (but not necessarily the property taxes) just keep going up while the resale market values just keep going down. In short, It's really a case-by-case situation where very few statements universally apply "right across the board". That said, your concluding line above is irrefutably true and wise --- Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)!