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Re: Timeshare Relief, INC

[Q=robertak29] Did anyone actually get rid of their timeshare using TimeShare Relief? We want OUT but don't want to lose more $$$ Willing to give away our timeshare in Manhattan club as long as we don't have to shell out any $$$[/Q] Certainly MANY people have successfully parted with their timeshare ownership via Timeshare Relief (one of the oldest so-called "PostCard Companies" around). That said, each and every one of those people also had to PAY Timeshare Relief somewhere in the neighborhood of $3,500 (or more) to do so. That figure would likley be even higher still for a MC ownership, due to the extremely high MC annual fees. The fees at Manhattan Club have gone right through the roof (and have continued on upward from there) in recent years. While I regret having to be the bearer of bad news, there are already numerous people on various timeshare sites now looking to give away their MC ownerships for free. Some even offer to pay all of the closing costs themseleves too. However, the extremely high MC fees often just scare the recipients away, even when the MC ownership is offered to them for free. Nonetheless, I wish you luck.