Report Abuse - 44261

A scam is a scam is a scam...

[Q=joes935] Telemarketing recovery task force NOT A SCAM....NOT A FRAUD.....they helped me......there are some bad one's out there so beware.....[/Q] Nonsense. It's a scam ---period, amen. I also note with interest that even the scammer company NAME has somehow magically changed in the course of this very lame thread. The name started out being "Timeshare Recovery Task Force", but has now somehow magically morphed into "Telemarketing Recovery Task Force". Don't listen to this crap, people. Use your head and your God given intellect. If you actually have a legitimate case and the facts to back it up, the state Attorney General (and no one else on Planet Earth) can and will help you (for free, with NO commissions or fees). Don't be stupid and voluntarily PAY some scammer to just give you false hope, empty promises and meaningless assurances of "recovery" --- it just "ain't ever gonna happen". If you decide to pay these thieves anyhow, then you are NOT a victim --- you are instead just another VOLUNTEER who CHOOSES to make a bad and expensive decision...