Report Abuse - 43919

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[Q=jodim79]it was 20% of the money I had spent to list my timeshare. Why is it that if a company does a good thing, everyone thinks you are full of *&^%, but if I wanted to post a bad company on here, then I would have a 1000 replys? Can't someone ever give kudos to a company that has helped them without being ridiculed?[/Q] By the time they charge clients 20% upfront and 20% upon completion there's not much left for the client .... I would have to see verifiable positive ressults by many people that this company has helped them ..... sorry, in researching the company all I can find are negatives and that this company is merely made up of former upfront fee resale scammers that's found a new scam to rip timeshare owners off.