Report Abuse - 43740

"Specialists" indeed...

[Q=philliph32] Has anyone been contacted by Corporate Resort Specialists? Their mail drop is in Las Vegas. They got me for a Corporate Sale and needed my money up front to complete the process.[/Q] Yup.....they "needed your money upfront" alright. The "process" they completed was to promptly deposit your money into their bank account. Nothing more is going to happen and you will never hear from them again. Corporations, by the way, DON'T buy timeshares. If you paid by credit card within the past 60 days, you can TRY to dispute the charge through your credit card company. If longer ago than 60 days, or if paid by some other means, then you have essentially made a (non-deductible) voluntary contribution / donation to these parasites and have just unfortunately learned an expensive life lesson.