Report Abuse - 43102

Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

Ok so I called and what the nice rep told me was the $165 fee is in ADDITION to your maintenance fees which for us would be silly to convert. We only pay $75 for lock-off and we are not enrolled in Interval to exchange. She said this point system would not be ideal for us(no doubt!). This is not geared for people who like to go to their home resort all the time. We bought Maui because we like going to Maui. I then asked her ok, since this isn't a system for me how is this going to affect our resort? Our location is sold out, how can you sell points to a place that is no longer selling? She said they have to wait until those who are deeded convert to points! So people in Maui who like Maui DON'T convert, you will have a heck of a time getting back because you now have gone into a pool(no pun) of points! Now if you like traveling all over this might be right for you since you can use your value to go elsewhere which I thought was the point of banking for reward points. Whatever! As for me, we are Maui people and they will never get me to convert which I think just made me more valuable :-) She also said people who have bought and are deeded own the inventory. Maui isn't going to be able to sell many points unless we give up and convert.