Report Abuse - 43076

Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

I cannot believe how uninformed and paranoid that some of the people on this board, TUG and TS4Ms are. Read the information on the MCVI website. It is clear that you DO NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO. All this nonsense about what people think is specualative at best. If you bought a week in a less demanded season to trade, there was never a guarantee in the first place so stop whining. You may still be able to have the opportunity with II. Regardless of Marriott keeping the system the way it was or not, you would still have competition as new owners came in and bought weeks. You were only guaranteed the week you bought in your season. No more, no less. Cut the class action lawsuit mess. There are no grounds. You can still reserve your week for when you bought and you don't have to participate in the points program. It's your choice. Marriott is not the first nor will it be the last to go to a points system. A class action lawsuit would only cost all of us owners more money. READ YOUR ORIGINAL PAPERWORK TO MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION AS TO WHAT YOU ARE BEING DENIED. YOU WILL FIND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I am not a Marriott employee or anything associated with them.I am a single week owner and I bought at Ko Olina before it opened. I enjoy going over there. I will not be buying any points and am still undecided about joining the weeks program. I don't like spending extra money if I can avoid it. However, the program does have some merit. I like options. All of us who are previous owners should just suck it up and stop the nonsense. You can use the old system and call it a day and stop fearing these unchartered waters.