Report Abuse - 43025

Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

As gblotter said there will be increased competition for the better resorts. If one thinks it is difficult to reserve a unit at Canyon Villas during spring training with point people on board it is going to get tougher. When an individual buys enough points at a resort to stay in prime time, when they request their time they are now competing with the deeded owner. When ski season arrives and a points person who skis has enough points they can request to stay 13 months in advance, they are now competing with the deeded owners. If the points person requests earlier than a deeded owner I think they get the week. Marriott should allow deeded owners who bought from Marriott the opportunity to join the points program without the initial fee. We paid more for our property then the third party buyer. The annual fee I can accept. If we don,t jump into the points program they may realize they need our weeks to make the program successful and may offer to grandfather us into the program.