Report Abuse - 42906

Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

It is very unfortunate. I'm a big believer in the flexibility of points systmes. however I have witnessed how DRI and WVR increasingly take advantage of the owners and Marriott is sending strong signals they will also use this points tool to do the same. It's time to wake up and collectively say no to developers when they will not provide equitable and just benefits. I am horrified at the idea Marriott will not only charge current owners to change to points but will also benefit from allocating fewer points to those owners so that Marriott can sell more timeshares. Let's say you are offered 80,000 points (just an example, I don't know what the point values are) to convert your week but the point value for your week is 100,000. Marriott tells you they will always allow you to use your alloted week/season even though your point value is less than the required value. But by allocating 80k to you for a 100k unit, Marriott now has the ability to both sell 20% more timeshares (20,000 difference on the 100,000 points, or heck it's 25% if you cal based on the 80,000 they allocate to you) without spending a dime (oh wait, they actually made you pay for them so they can have that additional 20-25%), I bet they also might have the ability to seat company members on the HOA boards again. It doesn't stop there. the new contract they will have you sign will more than likely contain language providing them even more control over your timeshares. DRI for example has the ability to change Club and Collections contract rules without owner input. You know DRI owners in points get a 50% discount on available reservations less than 60 days in advance? A year or two ago DRI changed it so the discount only applies to 7 night reservations, more or less nights are not discounted until 30 days in advance. What else? Oh yeah, DRI changed the rules so any inventory 30 or 60 days before checkin can be used by DRI to rent to people ... but the rental income goes to DRI and not the members' HOA funds. WVR is a bit different but over the pst 3 years they have also implemented changes "in the owners' best interest" which many owners specifically complained was not in their best interest at all. That is what you all have to look forward to if you pay Marriott to move from weeks to points.