Report Abuse - 42658

Re: IA Vacations/ American Timeshare Closings

The only reason you probably got paid is that they finally got enough money to pay you. I think they are using our money for other things and then when they get enough money they pay people. I have been looking online and several people have stated they have had to wait forever to get their check. I still haven't got my money, and like always I call and get to listen to the lies that Ms. Kim Whaley feeds me. I talked to another girl the other day and they gave me some more lies. They must train them when they get a job their to lie. I also called IA and they act like they are so concerned about my check, but I still haven't received my check. I have been doing some more research they do not have a real estate license with Tennessee Real Estate commission. Now, I don't know this, but to sell timeshares do you not have to have a license. Can someone let me know? I left a message with the Tenn. Real estate commission, so hopefully someone will call me back. Also one friday I called their offices and the phone was cut off. I wonder if now they are having financial problems that they can't pay the bills or is their something else going on. I am going to be in town soon and I am thinking of just dropping in on them and asking for my check.