Report Abuse - 42400

Re: Can't even give them one star

MJ: I have no idea why I was selected. But count my lucky stars everyday that they did. Buying into Land'or was the worst financial mistake I ever made and paying and additional $1,500 (which would have been this years special assessment plus maintenance fees) above what I already owed was probably the best. I figure with the way they continue to impose special assessments at least every other year, but lately it seems like yearly, the required every 5 year refurbishing fee and another 25 years of maintenance fees I saved myself a lot of stress, headaches and a minimum of $37,000 After every special assessment I called to complain. Finally after the one I believe in 2008 I decided I wasn't paying them any more money. However, as everyone knows they keep bugging you and each time they called me asking for money I read them the riot act and told them they can continue to call all they want but weren't getting another penny out of me.